Hi from Kosovo
Or at least it will be morning for you when you get this. I apologize for not writing in a while. I am living with my host family now so am resigned to internet cafes. Things here are going well. Although I am starting to feel the drain of a culture who has little concept of personal time and space :o) I am typing this right now with one of the girls I live with just sort of sitting and watching me which happens a lot. Everywhere I go people stare at me and for some reason it is really starting to bother me. Please pray for my attitude towards others. I have a tendency to be really wary of people here which I know reflects on my face. I want to reflect the love of Christ while still being discerning as well. Just the other day I brushed off a young man on the street who I actually had met and had a question for me but I didn’t recognize at the time. I am constantly praying that the Lord would cover any blunders I make in ignorance of the language, situation or culture.
Here is a picture of Breakfast (actually we eat late breakfast then dinner mostly each day) with the family which was a breaded fish, peppers and Rabisha’s supper yummy homemade bread. She makes all her own bread and is teaching me how to do it :o)

The family I am living with right now is in a land dispute with our neighbors (family of theirs) and it is a big stress on them. When Rabisha’s husband died the uncle claimed all the land for himself and we live basically in his back yard. The family here is not allowed to keep animals or grow anything which contributes to their poverty. The judge has ruled in favor of them having half the land but for whatever reason things have not been finalized. They have not been given the documents partly because the uncle won’t sign the documents and partly because we suspect corruption with the judge and possibly their layer. Their lawyer (he is called and “Advocat” here) is coming today to explain the ruling to the family. Please pray that they have understanding of what he is telling them and basically just for a covering of the whole situation. Rabisha (the Mom) has high blood pressure so of course none of this is good for that. Ultimately I am trying to encourage them to keep their eyes on God as He is there help. The verses that keep coming up are these…
Proverbs 23:10-11 “Do not remove the ancient landmark, nor enter the field of the fatherless; for their Redeemer is mightily; He will plead their cause against you.”
Luke 18:12 (The story of the widow and the unjust judge) “And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them?”
Philippians 4:6 “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
One of the first days I was here Rabisha and Besore took me on a walk to see the land that was being disputed. It is sickening to think that they live in a tiny little place with no access to the beautiful land. They are waiting for their very own “promise land”. As you can see it is very beautiful.

The lifestyle is somewhat simple here. I am teaching Hana guitar and helping tutor Besora with her English and (Kim you would be proud) playing Uno with Majram and Besnik. I cook dinner for the family sometimes and so far their favorite dish is good ol American Chicken soup.
Classes are going well and I taught the kids for the first time on Saturday with Burim translating which went well. We are spending a whole month on the armor of God and I am hoping to have them memorize the books of the bible before Randy and Lycia return so that they will know better how to navigate in the word. Pray for me as I am coming up with motions for each book :o)
Our prayers here have been with you all in California dealing with the horrendous fires. And I thank you tremendously for your prayers for me here.
Zoti ju Bekoftë!
Praise Reports
My language is doing really well living with this family as I am forced to use Albanian which is really good for me.
Sweet times with the family here.
English courses
Kids Ministry
Prayer Requests
Land dispute-God’s covering on us here.
Books of the bible motions and studying for kids ministry teaching
Personal time! AHHHH!!!!!
Continued inspiration for teaching in the English courses
My general attitude towards people here and discernment