Found a Place
Hello everyone,
I found a place!...but it isn't an apartment. At this point since I return to the States Dec 7th, it just seemed foolish to try and set up an apartment for less than 2 months so I will be moving in with a family from the church. Rabisha and her children Besorja, Hana, Mejremje, & Besniki. They live right here in Malisheve. God is so good...because I was already thinking, “Wow wouldn’t it be cool to be able to live with this sweet family. My language would improve and I could help them out…but nah they would not have room for me since they have such a small place.” Well Lycia mentioned that she had this idea for me to live with them and that she had already talked with them about it. We talked to the girls right then at church and they got totally excited. "We will dance every night!" Hana said. When we went to visit them later that day, they were like, “Heh Jena why are you leaving? You are going to live with us now.” They didn't have an inside toilet so Randy paid for them to install one and we will also be using an extra bunkbed from the church to make more room for us all. This family is on social support and food coupons from Eastern European Outreach so my rent will help them out a lot. I am excited to live with them as I already have a great relationship with them. Already that night I was helping Besnik, the one man of the house (10 years old), with his English homework and they were helping me learn Albanian out of my Albanian-English dictionary. Pray for me and for the family as we make this change :o)
Here are some pictures of my new host family…
I found a place!...but it isn't an apartment. At this point since I return to the States Dec 7th, it just seemed foolish to try and set up an apartment for less than 2 months so I will be moving in with a family from the church. Rabisha and her children Besorja, Hana, Mejremje, & Besniki. They live right here in Malisheve. God is so good...because I was already thinking, “Wow wouldn’t it be cool to be able to live with this sweet family. My language would improve and I could help them out…but nah they would not have room for me since they have such a small place.” Well Lycia mentioned that she had this idea for me to live with them and that she had already talked with them about it. We talked to the girls right then at church and they got totally excited. "We will dance every night!" Hana said. When we went to visit them later that day, they were like, “Heh Jena why are you leaving? You are going to live with us now.” They didn't have an inside toilet so Randy paid for them to install one and we will also be using an extra bunkbed from the church to make more room for us all. This family is on social support and food coupons from Eastern European Outreach so my rent will help them out a lot. I am excited to live with them as I already have a great relationship with them. Already that night I was helping Besnik, the one man of the house (10 years old), with his English homework and they were helping me learn Albanian out of my Albanian-English dictionary. Pray for me and for the family as we make this change :o)
Here are some pictures of my new host family…

I am loving being here more each day and am continuing to pray about coming back on a more full time basis, Lord willing, early next year. Please be praying along with us as we discuss this possibility with each other and with the Lord :o)
Thank you everyone for your continued prayer and support.
Zoti ju Bekoft! (God Bless you!)
Will you be mobile when you come back? I'm just wondering because I'd love to see you, but the new baby will be here by then (well, shoot, she BETTER be) and traveling might be tricky...and I want to see your "ccchhapppe face" (a la Jamie Hopewell).
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." Isa 30:21
The Lord delights in the way of the (wo)man whose steps He has made firm! Ps 37:23
Rejoicing with you and praying for you, with Love ~U Chris