Burim update

Hi my praying friends,
Here is an update I got from Burim as to his throat problem. I had already sent out the post before then I thought to ask if he minded if I passed on the prayer request. Please continue to pray as it seems to be a time critical thing...
hey Jen!
thank you so much, no I dont mind at all, I just feel blessed when i know that people are praying for me. Well I went the other day to an other doc, here in prishtina, and I did some kind of test, to see if there is any infection that needs treatment before the operation. The doc in Skopje said that I do need to go through a surgery coz there is no other way to move this virus ( its kidn of a tumor). so just be praying for me as I will do all this treatment and test before the surgery. The doctor in Skopje was great, he had that machine (or how you call it), and he looked at my nose, ears and throught, and I saw it all in a computer, I saw where is that thing, but the good news is that its not so bad right now, but it can be worse if i go slow, meaning that i have to do it as soon as possible. I just need to call the doc tomorrow, and ask him maybe to do an appointment, but there is an other thing to pray for, and I am kind of worrying. The Hospital in skopje is great, but its pirvate hospital and its very expensive, I need to ask them how much is it for the surgery and also for 3 or 4 days that i have to stay there in the Hospital.anyway this is for now, and we will see on monday I will get more news about it.thank you very much for praying for me. talk to you soon
God bless
P.S. For those of you who were confused and asked why the picture of Burim with the Mr Bean movie...It is because he does and awesome impression of him. So much so that we got to calling him Zotri Fasule which translates to Mr Bean)
