The new place
Hey everyone,
My blog is still locked so I used it to make this update then just fowarded it via email to you all. I just eanted to send off pics of the new place. It is a huge blessing. My landlord has been great! You would know that that is mirical in itself if you have heard the horrer stories of landlords here. It is a small one bedroom and the girls stayed over last Friday night for the first time. It is probab;y more of a blessing to them than it is for me. My only challenge now is getting a night alone in the place as they all want to stay with me all the time now! AHHH!!!

Josh and Xaja above.
My blog is still locked so I used it to make this update then just fowarded it via email to you all. I just eanted to send off pics of the new place. It is a huge blessing. My landlord has been great! You would know that that is mirical in itself if you have heard the horrer stories of landlords here. It is a small one bedroom and the girls stayed over last Friday night for the first time. It is probab;y more of a blessing to them than it is for me. My only challenge now is getting a night alone in the place as they all want to stay with me all the time now! AHHH!!!
February has been buisy so far. Randy and Lycia's daughter and son in law are visiting so I have been helping out at the Pristina school. Also another beliver has started a school in his village which I have been helping with untill his american gets back from furlough :o) That has been fun as his school is right next too his home and I have been hanging with his sweet Mamma during his 4 hour break between classes. I have one more day of helping them this month and she has promised to teach me how to make pite! Yaye! I really love the mom's here they are so sweet!
There is a brother working here by the name of Josh who is has been hosting monthly music nights in order to promote unity in the churches here. Here are some oics from the last one. Please keep these in prayer as disunity is a major problem here in or with the various churches. Nothing new under the sun. Also keep him in prayer as he is attempting to buy some decent sound equipment for this ministry. At the last nigh we had this amazing beatboxes named xaja. I have posted a short video he did for me to send to my brother Matthew. Here is the link he has one tons of competitions here
God bless for now will try and write more later.
PS I am trying to go to visit Cindy Arnhold in Albania this week but am having trouble with paperwork. PLease pray I can get it finalzed before I go. It is the id card for being here over 90- days.