Hana's testimony
There are 2 girls here that desire to go to a 6 month Bible school starting in October. I would like to share their testimonies with you. I think you will be blessed to hear them. Keep in mind it isn't exactly popular to become a professing Christian in a predomiantly Muslim society. I am hoping God touches you hearts to pray for provision and possibly help provide for them to go.
The first girl is Hana. You will recognize her face as I lived with her family in the winter of 2007. She is like my little sister is always there to help me whenever I need help...even if it means to point out that I am accidentally saying offensive things! Hahahaha! She serves in the church with worship and sometimes kids ministry and with whatever needs doing. She is our little sunshine. As we say for her every stranger is just a friend she hasn't met yet. We worked on her testimony together. She telling me in Albanian and I translating it. But some of the way she talks I hope didn't get lost in translation :)
I am Hana and I have been a believer for 8 years. I first heard about Jesus when I was 12 years old and I started to go to meetings with my sister. Before I was going to the Mosque in my town to learn how to be a good Muslim. My older sister was going to the meetings at the church. She invited me to go to the church and I decided to because it was summer and in the Mosque it was very hot and in the church it was colder and she told me they had chocolate! Some girls came from Albania and gave me a bible and shared the gospel with me. I choose then to believe but still I was very stubborn. A problem child,
My father died after the war and it has been very hard for us because we have no older brother in our family or any good family to care for us. But God has helped us. He is faithful. My whole family is Christian now. There are four of us children and my Mother. We get a food coupon from EEO and some help every month from the state to buy our flour and other things.
God has done many changes in me. When I was young I learned everything for God from the meetings but I would go with my friends and talk with non-Christian boys. Last year I even dated a non-Christian boy. I walked towards this boy and away from God. He was crazy and was very bad with me. I became very depressed and wanted to kill myself because I thought there was nothing for me. But God called me back to Him. My family and friends encouraged me to go back to church and to be again with the family of God and to hear His word. Now I am 20 years old and God has brought be back to Him and has helped me a lot. He has grown my faith. I was recently in a project to share the gospel with the villages around a main city in Kosova that is very strong Muslim. I talked to many people about God because He taught me how much He loves us and how we should love other people that way and that we need to share His news with the.
I have been praying a lot to go to the school in Erseka because I have a desire to learn more from the word of God. God is my surety. My Mother has helped me for the money for my passport but I am not working and it is very hard to find work here especially as a girl. If you have a desire to help me to go to Erseka please pray for me. If God calls you to help me with money contact Jen. If it is not the plan of God I will not go and I trust Him in this because my hope in Him.
God bless!
Don’t forget God can even use chocolate! HAHAHHAHAH!!!!
(below: Hana the rock star-I started teaching her guitar when I lived with her and she still remembers a lot when she picks it up now and then. She plays Djimbe for worship, having our typical lunch at my house-salam,cheese,bread,tomatoes. In the Pushk project-hanging with the kids in one of the villages)
