Taxi Driver Preacher

"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." Ephesians 4:29

I don’t know why I am surprised to meet authentic Christians. Maybe because there are so many people who are Christian in name only but their life really does not reflect Christ’s teachings.  Earlier this year here in Davao I had an amazing encounter.  I was housitting for some friedns and it was teh first time I was to go grocery shopping all by myself.  Sounds simple but not so much.   The first time you do anything is always overwhelming in foreign country.  Maybe it is just me but everything in the store seemed to be fish flavored and the foods that are familiar to me are too expensive to purchase because they are imported.  It is a special sort of torture to see a small jar of delicious Salsa and not be able to buy because it is worth about 8 dozen eggs.  I also had to focus on keeping the trip down to two bags because I wasn’t sure how far I would need to walk to get a taxi.  Finally finished and frazzeled and out past the crowds of the grocery store/mall I slipped into the next taxi in line.  As we pulled into the madness of the post work and post school bustle I said Salamat (Thank you) to my driver.  I don’t hardly know any Cebuano but it always amazes me at how a simple Thank you puts a smile on people’s faces as they ask, “Do you speak Cebuano?”  Most everyone here speaks English so many foreign workers don’t bother to learn any of the local languages.   As we got talking the Taxi driver asked what I was doing here.  To be honest I was timid to be specific so I said “I am working with an NGO that helps the Bajao and others especially in Isla Verde”.  As we got talking we covered my marital staus, age and the fact that indeed I was a missioanry.  Its not impolite to ask a woman her age or staus by the way.  So as all that was covered he just started preaching it!  He ended up speaking into things that were troubeling my heart that I didn't even tell him.  The presence of the Holy spirit was palpable in the car for the 5 minuet drive home.  He said "It's ok. God has someone for you in His timing. (not a common response here when they know I am over 30)  Do not worry for your safety.  God is protecting you because you are doing His work. God is with you."  I can hardly remember a time when I walked away from a church service as built up and encouraged as I did with that lone Taxi driver.  Praise God that He uses His people everywhere to encourage His kids.  Please if God has given you a word of encouragement to tell someone, open your mouth.  You never know how much that person may need it at that moment in time.


Lindsey Cuen said…
Wow! Praise the Lord, He is always with us
And meets our every need!
Lindsey Cuen said…
Wow! Praise the Lord, He is always with us
And meets our every need!

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