Cinderella is Alive and Well!!!
The kids and parents were excited but surprisingly orderly as Kathy, Lily and I handed out baby and toddler clothes in the Bajao Village last week. The children would come up two by two. A little girl and a little boy each escorted by their parent or sibling. Among our wares on the two little tables were a pair of pointed sparkely princess shoes. We KNEW they were princess shoes because they had a picture of the Disney princess Jasmin on the front..just in case there was any doubt that they MUST be worn by a princess. Little girl by little girl came to our table and we, not unlike the searching prince in the fabel, tried the princess shoes on every girl. Alas much to the disapointment of the fair maidens the shoes were too small or too big. At last an unsure little girl with wild hair and big brown eyes came to our table accompanied by her big sister. By then we were running out of clothes so we had to limit them to just two items. We found her a shirt and then we tried the princess shoes. At last they fit! As you can see in the picture to the left our little Cinderella was thrilled with her prize. These Bajao people are looked at by their neighbors as dirty and unwanted. But we see them for what their really are. Precious in His sight. The village that sits on stilts above open sewage is full of little princesses.