Be your own kind of beautiful

This video is stunning in so many ways! Stop telling yourself your ugly and you may come to see yourself as God and others see you...Beautiful!

Do y'all have those reaccuring lies that you listen to? Sometimes you reckon them as false but other times you just listen to them. Just being transparent here. I often think of my self as ugly even very ugly and unfeminine. Its a lie that sometimes I get lazy to bring into captivity under the authority of Christ and His truth, as Gods word tells us to do (2 Corinthians 10:5).
Yesterday in one of the sessions God reminded me that I was beliving this lie again. I repented but this morning getting dressed I was struggling with the lie again! Ug! As I dressed in the way the lie was saying I couldn't (Feminine and pretty) I was activly bringing the lie into Christ's authority. Even though emotionaly I didnt feel pretty. Then later today one of the ministry volunteers randomly yelled out to me, "There goes the gorgeous one!". God used that kid to be His voice reinforcing the truth I had been obedient to embrace even when I didn't feel it to be true.
I just want to encourage you to replace the lies you hear with the truth. Don't just stay in that rut of thinking. Make a new rut of truth. For every lie you hear in your mind today. List its opposite truth according to God's word and Character then just keep going and thank him for 4 other truths. Easy to remember, just count the fingers on your right hand. A visual for catching a lie with your hand and replacing it with grabbing truth.
 Lets create new mental ruts so we automatically progress in truth instead of settled comfortably into the destructive rutted road of lies. Don't entertain lies. Stop sitting them down in your hearts lazyboy and giving them a cold drink! How often do you do this? Me? Too often! Its possible some lies may have their own permanent guest room and toothbrush! Don't even answer your door when they come a knocking. And if they've moved in, today is the day of eviction! Choose to go hang with Jesus and hear what HE has to say instead. He calls you beautiful!This video is stunning in so many ways! Stop telling yourself your ugly and you may come to see yourself as God and others see you...Beautiful!
Do y'all have those reaccuring lies that you listen to? Sometimes you reckon them as false but other times you just listen to them. Just being transparent here. I often think of my self as ugly even very ugly and unfeminine. Its a lie that sometimes I get lazy to bring into captivity under the authority of Christ and His truth, as Gods word tells us to do (2 Corinthians 10:5).
Yesterday in one of the sessions God reminded me that I was beliving this lie again. I repented but this morning getting dressed I was struggling with the lie again! Ug! As I dressed in the way the lie was saying I couldn't (Feminine and pretty) I was activly bringing the lie into Christ's authority. Even though emotionaly I didnt feel pretty. Then later today one of the ministry volunteers randomly yelled out to me, "There goes the gorgeous one!". God used that kid to be His voice reinforcing the truth I had been obedient to embrace even when I didn't feel it to be true.
I just want to encourage you to replace the lies you hear with the truth. Don't just stay in that rut of thinking. Make a new rut of truth. For every lie you hear in your mind today. List its opposite truth according to God's word and Character then just keep going and thank him for 4 other truths. Easy to remember, just count the fingers on your right hand. A visual for catching a lie with your hand and replacing it with grabbing truth.
 Lets create new mental ruts so we automatically progress in truth instead of settled comfortably into the destructive rutted road of lies. Don't entertain lies. Stop sitting them down in your hearts lazyboy and giving them a cold drink! How often do you do this? Me? Too often! Its possible some lies may have their own permanent guest room and toothbrush! Don't even answer your door when they come a knocking. And if they've moved in, today is the day of eviction! Choose to go hang with Jesus and hear what HE has to say instead. He calls you beautiful!


Bithia Dionn said…
You ARE beautiful my friend!! Inside and out!!!!
Denise Willer said…
Love, love, love! Especially the picture of grabbing the lie with our hand, and believing the truth, capturing it in our hands. Can't wait to read this to our girls. Thank you for keeping it real, raw and truly beautiful...go in peace fellow pilgrim, beloved sister in Christ. So thankful to be journeying with you.

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