The Faith Magic Trick

"Surrendered people obey God even when it doesn't make sense." Pastor Brian BellYesterday I was listening to Pastor Brian's message called "Our Crosswalk". This statement above is challenging to me personally right now. Also the examples of people who heard from God, and obeyed Him minus the details were inspiring... "Abraham didn't know where, Joseph didn't know why, Hannah didn't know when and Mary didn't know how." So yup, we're in good company in this Faith walk.
This is a craft I did with the kids at the shelter yesterday. Its a water resistant book mark. I had written the word Faith on it with a white candle along with some foot prints (instructions for the craft here). When the kids started painting on it with blue green watercolors I told them that something would magically appear. They were delighted as they made out one letter at a time, "H!, A!" Then one girl raised her hand and guessed in her sweet Filipina accent, "Faid?" (aka "Faith" They don't pronounce "th" sounds here.) We left the bookmarks to dry while I took them outside to practice listening by playing red light, green light. Bithia was smiling as she noticed that this culture being so group centered the kids were holding hands as they did the game so they would win or loose in groups not as an individual. After that we sat down and told the story of Jesus and Peter walking on the water. I pointed out to them that if they had not followed my instructions with the craft they would have never seen the cool trick. That's why it important to listen to God. He can cause you to do the impossible but only IF you obey His directions.
You really have to be careful when you teach God's word not to get sucked down into the boring votex of the familiar. I mean come on people pay attention to what you are reading! It's kinda spectacular even sans special effects! First Jesus's close friends see him strolling on top of a substance that cannot, should not be able to hold him. They thought they were seeing stuff. "Maybe that fish at dinner was not so fresh." Then they thought He was a ghost, which is kinda hard to take in since that would mean their leader and friend had died. Then Peter, the crazy one apparently, comes up with a bizarre test of his legitimacy by asking Jesus to request his presence on the waves. No surfboard though. Surfing comes later in Acts 22:44. Anyway, back to the story. When I was looking up lesson ideas in preparation I noticed that a lot of teaching focused on Jesus being able to walk on water. Well, duh He's God. What about Peter? He was the regular run of the mill fisherman who knew all too well the violence of the sea. If He would have stayed in that boat He never would have had that incredible moment with Christ out on the water. Peter steps onto a frothy raging surface and walks toward his freaky friend. For a moment its awesome until he realizes what the heck he is doing and gets distracted by the magnitude of his surroundings. The God of the universe and king of the waves grabs Peters panicked outstretched arm. Sure he kinda messed up, and Jesus kinda rolls His eyes at His lack of Faith but don't we all falter when we take our eyes off of Him? Still Peter is kinda a Rock Star! He never would have stode hand in hand with His friend and his God over the raging waters if he never got out of that boat. Props to him for taking that first step AND suggesting the craziness to begin with.
When God had told me to leave the Bible College in 2005 after 8 years of living, working, studying, teaching, learning and ministering I was timid to make that first of faith and hand in my notice. I was talking to my friend Norma about it and about all the things I wanted to be lined up first like a job, place to live, you know those luxuries She turned to me and in her feisty Aruban accent said, " Honey, Peter did NOT know dat he could walk on water till he stepped outta duh boat." Pow! Right between the eyes. It's one of those times when I knew God's words were coming out of a friends mouth. If I never stepped outta duh Bible College I would still be serving God but on my own terms...a watered down, comfortable, useful but bland walk. Instead at the moment I have a slightly crazy, vibrant, scary, awesome, high def kinda faith walk. I know because Jesus and I have done life together.I know now with my hand in His we can accomplish the impossible.
God has told me some things recently. He has spoken through the lips of friends, through His word, in His still small voice and even a pop song! The storm is kicking up and his invitation will come soon. "My love, will you once again step out of the boat?" I'm sitting at the prow looking for him with my spy glass extended. I am squinting to see him on the foggy horizon. I've got my water shoes on and my heart is beating fast in anticipation and fear of the unknown. It's a good thing that I know the King of the waves as a close friend. I trust Him with my heart, my path and my very life.
So what's it gonna be? Is Jesus asking you to step outta the boat? I'm sure He has promised you something that you are waiting on for the when, where, why or how. So are you moving towards that promise or are you shoved in the corner on the floor of the boat just shivering and trying to stay comfortable? Guess what? He wont answer those questions SO THAT you will step out. He'll get to those answers later after you've been out on the waves for a bit. Will you follow Him even if what He's asking you to do makes no sense? Just remember you wont see the magic trick if you don't follow instructions. Step outta the boat, Honey, and see what impossible things you will do hand and hand with your friend, Creator, Captain and Lifeguard.