Where you Treasure is...

“Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Matthew 6:21 

 I sit on my bed staring at that verse over the closet in the guest room I am currently occupying in the Tunures home. I am thinking on many things regarding investment. 

This summer has been busy. In August I had my Twin niece and nephew with me on and off for about a month after my 3 week trip to Texas. Recently I drove the Twins out to see my Mom and Nana Debbie in AZ. It was a whirlwind of back to school and thrift store shopping, haircuts etc. 

 It reminded me of my childhood when my Nana lived next door to us in the guest house on our property. We three kids shared a room about the size of a walk in closet so I was at her house a lot. If there is one thing that I could say to sum up what makes my Nana Debbie special it’s that she is a wise and generous investor-in people. She was the one who financed and finagled my way into an painting class that was not meant for 9 year olds. She was the one who paid for my driver’s ed. She is the one who supports me faithfully and often goes above and beyond. She invests in people and that is what I hope I am doing. We all know that where her treasure is there her heart also is…with us…her eternal dividends.

Who are you investing in today? Where are you putting the treasure of your time, energy and finances? Or in whom?

I especially want to thank all of you who choose to continue to invest in me and my journey in investing in others.


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