Perspective changes everything

Sometimes when you are in the midst of daily life it’s easy for your perspective to get off.  Life has a way of pulling you along in it’s crazy currents.  Tuesday as I was  flying back from Texas I was once again awed by man’s ability for flight.  My favorite seat is the window seat because of the stunning views  You are chasing the vibrant pink sunset or dipping like a dolphin into the swirling clouds or breaking forth out of majestic thunder heads. Below you the sun glints off of the winding rivers and lakes, mountains rise up like islands in the midst of the ocean of clouds and the fields faraway look like a vast green patchwork quilt.  The view from above is peaceful, orderly and gorgeous.  The view from above is God’s view. Perspective changes everything.
      Things get busier as I get ready to head back to Kosova and I am asking God to pull me up high amidst the clouds in His arms to see His perspective because ground level can be overwhelming.  What in your life right now is bogging you down? Could you use His perspective on a situation that you are dealing with?
     My friend Lindsey recently shared this phrase from a devotional she was reading “Gaze at Christ and Glance at your problems instead of gazing at your problems and glancing at Christ.” 


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