Burim & Stuff :o)

Hi guys!
Just to give you an update on Burim. He just wrote and wanted to thank all of you for praying for him. He is really encouraged by that. It is confirmed he has a polyp on his vocal chords and will be having surgery this month. Please pray for the surgery. I won't even tell you the stories I have heard about medical care there-much too scary. Needless to say that the next time you find yourself complaining about co-pays or health insurance etc...Remember Burim and people like him that just don't have access to the kind of medical care we are blessed with here in this country. You know those important things like uh...anaesthesia!!!

Someone asked how to pronounce his name Burim: Boo-deem. It translates to mean "Source" as in a source of a spring. I always am amazed at how well every ones name seems to fit them in their giftings in Kosova. Besnik (:faithful) Randy's faithful assistant. Shpetim (:salvation) gifted in relationship evangelism. Hana (:moon) she has such a way of reflecting Christs light (the light of the SON) in the most bubbly personality... especially considering how harsh her young life has been. Especially interesting since all these were given by their muslim parents. In the Bible so many names that were given had meaning for that person in huge ways. Hmmm...gotta wonder if there is any divine significance in our names, maybe just one of those ways God can show He has had his finger on us since before we were born and has a plan for our lives...set apart for good works that were planned even before the foundations of the world!!!


On another note. Some of you know that I had the opportunity to play along side my Pastor's wife,Diane Luna, and my step mom, Carol-rocks-the-Cello-Mellor, at Horizon San Diego tonight. It was a blast! I am not going to speak for the other ladies but I felt such such a goober because they put us on these like stage platforms things each separated from each other. I was on the highest drummer platform thingy all by my lonesome with my one little djimbe with the stage lights melting me to smithereens trying to figure out how to work the newfangled ear monitor thingy-comedy. The awesome thing is that in all that we played,God blessed and ladies were encouraged. Does God use the foolish inept things of the world to confound the wise? Oh yes He does!!! (Again speaking for myself. Diane and Carol rocked!)
All that to say thanks so much for praying for us! I am so thankful for praying friends. Us goobers, yup, we need it! If you want to check out Diane's music see link above.

Yes that was a random blog but I guess to sum up...just remember

God has a plan for your life that has been in place since before you were born.
Yes He can use ANYBODY as long as you are willing to be used!

Zoti ju Bekofte!
Jennifer (fair,white) Elizbeth (God is my vow) Mellor (small village in England)
Ha! Can someone come up with a divine meaning in that?!
P.S. I LOST MY PHONE!!! Arghhh!!! So email is the best way to reach me these days. Or possibly my Dad's home office. 760-745-3799


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