Fundraiser Dinner - Etc. Etc. Etc.
Hi everyone!

Thanks so much for your patience and understanding regarding the dinner. At this point there is so much going on for my hosting family that they decided to help me out financially and skip the dinner all together. Which is good anyway because it is one less thing to worry about before heading out :) I do plan to have a little get together before I leave so I can see you all so stay tuned for that! The stuff I made for the boutique will probably end up at Calvary Chapel Murrieta's Christmas event and boutique December 13th. Lord willing I will be back in Kosova before then so if anyone is interested in running my table let me know :)
Also I wanted to let you know about a prayer request from Kosova. My friends there were in a car accident yesterday. Labi (whom I taught with at his school) totalled his car when another car swerved into his lane. Praise God they were able to avoid a head on collision but still hit broadside. Randy Harvey (Pastor) and Josh (an American missionary) had some minor injuries. Please keep them in your prayers. Apparently Josh has a bad neck and back already so obviously this isn't good for him. He still has a good amount of pain and Randy suffered some injuries from the seat belt. Thank you my praying friends for caring about this stuff regarding people you may never meet but are close to my heart. I will let you know when I hear anything else. Please pray for Labi regarding his car, his school is 45 min away in the capitol city so this is a big setback for him. Also pray for Josh & Randy for healing. As I have mentioned before the medical care is definitely not what we are used to here.
I am scheduled to purchase my ticket Monday! So Lord willing I will finally have a departure date! Whoo hoo!
I have been having fun doing some murals for friends. There is a little rotating slide show of all my murals if you go to my site ( but here are some pictures just because I hate doing a update picture-less :o) If anyone is interested feel free to call me to paint something for you!
Swirls of blue for Beth

Roses for Nancy

A picture for my place

Zoti ju Bekofte!