Snow Snow Snow!!! and stuff
The other day we decorated the school here in Malisheve. It was great because Shpetim and bought a TON of decorations, non of which the kids were familiar with. We had all this stuff and yet with concrete walls and packing tape(don't mix,oh duct tape where were you when we needed you!) we had no way to hang anything. So the students got in a bit of a decoration frenzy and just started decorating each other including me! HA! Fun times!
On the way to the snow the other day we say..yes you guessed it...a TURKEY HERDER!!!!! Ha! How cool is that!!! Actually he was smiling at us when we tried to get a pic but we were driving too fast so this is all we got.
Also on the way to the snow..The White House Hotel! Wow! Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery right? On a cool note Randy was able to get something for his house the other day on credit simply because the store owner said,"We have a debt to America for what they did for us." We do run into that attitude sometimes here which is neat.
For those of you "Dreaming of a white Christmas" here are some lovely pics for you. Go ahead set one as you desktop background so you too can have a white Christmas. I used to sing that song with feeling and now I HAVE a white Christmas!!!

Mr & Mrs Penguin and and the crazy bunch. 

My snow lady!

Praise Reports...
Here are some pictures of two trips we have made to the snow on our off days which are Sundays. Lots of fun. The first trip was for Calvin's birthday and the second was to get a Christmas tree. Anyway not much to say except just to show you our fun pictures! They pretty much say it all...
On the way to the snow the other day we say..yes you guessed it...a TURKEY HERDER!!!!! Ha! How cool is that!!! Actually he was smiling at us when we tried to get a pic but we were driving too fast so this is all we got.
Praise Reports...
-Sheria had been dating a muslim guy but just broke it off with him as he wanted to get engaged
-Kuitim Randy' meister has been coming to church this whole month!
-Classes are going well
Prayer Requests...
-Good godly husbands and wives for the beleivers here and strength for them to hold out for who God has for them
-our descision making as it comes to the schools in the new year
my dad had told me to tell you that we still cannot register the car under our name because we need the lien satisfied requirement from toyota. we have tried to get in contact with your grandmother but she has not responded back... hope to hear from you soon! and happy holidays !
-keshia llarenas
THank you please respond back ! my email address is:
happy holidays