December 8th Update
Hi guys,

Johnathan with "his" wall that Sam and he worked on..a bathroom I think.

Thanks for all your prayers and support! May God bless you in this buisy Holiday season! Don't forget JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THIS SEASON!!
Greeting's from Kosova where "the women are strong, the men are good looking and all the children are above average" If you have never listened to Prairie Home Companion Radio then you won't get that reference. Ha! I have to say the first and last statement are TOO true! I love working with my students and the kids in kid minsitry they are a little hailit (high-leet: touble) at times but the learn so quickly! Also Lycia and I were talking while doing housework today and decided that as hard as the women here work in their homes I think any of the girls could seriously take me down in an arm wrestling match. As to other things.
I looked at a tiny apartment off the main street that needs some work but is cheap. The good thing is that Randy's meister would be the handyman on the job and basiclly the maintenance guy for the place which is a big plus. As he was showing me and teling me that basicaly "it looks bad now but we can do whatever you would like" I assured him that having an entire family in the construction buisness I had no problem looking past the unlovely to what it could be. Also tomorrow Calvin is going with Besnik to just knock on doors throughout town to find more places. I would appreciate your prayers on this. Now to catch you all up on some pictures.
Lycia made a mountain of yummy food and we had some people over. It was a sweet time. After we played some games which were a blast. "Empire" and "The couch game" If you want some fun games for failmy times or youth groups just eamil and I'll see if I can explain them to you.
Sam and his friend Johnathan came to visit for Thanksgiving. The night we had to bring him back we went bowling before we got them to their 11pm bus back to Hungary. We paid little differerence to the score and had more fun just goofing around. Also it was the first time I saw Burim. He asked me to thank everyone for your prayers with his throat pollip. I sounds great. no longer like Mrs. bean! Ha! He also asked for prayer as he applied for a job as a translator with EULUX which is the new group comming in to take over where the UN left off. It is part of teh European Union and will be helping to facilitate things here. Not ruling though as Kosova is an independant country but coming alongside as it were. That transition is scheduled to take place Tuesday, we got a notification message from the US Embassy to that end but don't expect any upset.
Randy & Lycia's house
The windows and doors are on. Sam and Johnathan had been here in October with a team from CCBCE Hungary and they had helped with the house so we got some pictures to show them how it was looking.
Thanks for all your prayers and support! May God bless you in this buisy Holiday season! Don't forget JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THIS SEASON!!
Zoti ju bekofte!
Praise Reports
-Kids ministry: Fatmir and Ymria have faithfully been serving! And now we have a set sched for December, plugging in some of the deacons to help teach.
-Kids ministry: Fatmir and Ymria have faithfully been serving! And now we have a set sched for December, plugging in some of the deacons to help teach.
-Randy, Lycia, Calvin & Anthony a blessing to serve with
Prayer Requests
-kids ministry:because we usually have samaratins purse shoe boxes every year in December our kids ministry grows huge! (well then gets small again in Jan) But PLEASE pray that we would ministry to these kids and effectivly communicate the gospel.
-The church family here that we love each other as family