Any takers?

So I have been thinking about different things to do when I am in the states.  Two great ideas that I got from the Harvey's were doing open houses at various peoples homes as well as a garage sale.  You all, friends and family, seem to be either in Escondido, Murrieta/Temecula or Orange Country.  Would there be someone from each city willing to host an open house for me?  I think it would be better than doing one big dinner and I would have a better chance at actually getting to visit with people.  Also it would be easier for you all to get to a place in your area.  It would basically be-provide a place and some food. (brunch, snackies, tea, dinner...whatever you like)  I will also make some traditional Kosovar dishes to share.  I will have a time to share testimony and pictures/video and I have stuff from here that I am bringing to sell there, handmade accessories etc.  The other idea is to have a garage sale or two.  It is spring cleaning time and I figure most people (including myself) have some items about now that they need to bring to salvation army anyway.  With that I would need volunteers to pick up items, a home with some garage space to collect items and host the sale and volunteers to help me run the thing.
Anyone game?  I am so excited to see you all after such a long time.  I am praying now for quality time with you all which seems impossible.  Luckily we serve a God who likes to accomplish the impossible :)
See you soon!


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