Wedding Pictures
What is there really to was beautiful and joyous...a great time was had by all...God was and continues to be glorified in Shpetim & Xhemile's life :o) Praise the Lord! I hope you enjoy these pictures!
This is the night before we had separate girls and guys party. Norma made a wonderful shepherd pie for the parties. We have no pictures of the guys' party but we know that it involved lots of whip cream and chocolate covered onions. Randy arranged it all...I am sure you can imagine :o)

We were so happy to see Sam who came all the way from the Bible college in Hungary just for one day. He got there just in time for the parties. What a blessing... like 10 hours each way by bus and train through Serbia.
The beautiful Nusia (bride) getting ready. What a beautiful smile huh? So different from the traditional weddings where she is required to frown with eyes cast down all day. Freedom in Christ!!!
Ok Burim I will TRY not to stick you with the pin.
The proud brother, Burim, getting ready to give his sister away.

Lycia and Sarah playing for the ceremony. We are sad to say that Sarah & Illir left for England the day after the wedding. A sad parting...they will be missed but we wish them well there :o)

Kim the amazing photographer got these at a park nearby.

Fun times at the reception. We pretty much went straight to dancing. Everyone had a great time and we did toasts which went really well. That wasn't their tradition but lots of people liked having the time on the mic to say something nice for the couple.

Norma and the baker, Visart, who helped her with the cake. She spent much of the reception witnessing to him. Shpetim has also been sharing with him. Keep him in your prayers. He may become one of our students in the English school soon.
Norma and her new buddy Arsim our chef friend!

The new couple with their Pastor Randy and Lycia.

The new couple with their Pastor Randy and Lycia.
What a sweet fruit of their years of ministry here!

Thank you to everyone who prayed and helped with the preparations for this sweet wedding. They are settled in their new home and are already ministering together as one. Praise the Lord! Lord willing we will see many more sweet unions so the church of Jesus Christ may be built from the home first. Be praying for this first generation church here in Kosovo.
Falemindarit Shume per lutem! Thank you much for your prayers!